My soul magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
For He has regarded the low estate of His handmaiden,
For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with His arm:
He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
and exalted those of low degree.
He has filled the hungry with good things;
and the rich He has sent empty away.
He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy;
As He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to His posterity forever.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen
Scripture text: Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition
(Special thanks to Women for Faith and Family,
Monday, December 24, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
"...Except in cases of rape or incest"
The above words have been troubling me recently. In almost every poll or newspaper article about society's attitude toward abortion, you will inevitably see those words. People seem to be thinking "Oh, yes, abortion is wrong and all, but what about the poor woman who has been raped? Or impregnated by her father or brother? Well, in that case, abortion is fine and dandy!"
Is it? Why? If a baby is conceived during such a horrible crime, why must the baby pay the ultimate penalty of death? Even the rapist gets more leniency!
Another thing that bothers me about this argument is this question: How often does conception of a baby actually happen when these crimes are committed? I have done some research, and found out that really, nobody actually knows. But as much as the catch-phrase "...except in cases of rape or incest" is bandied about, you would think a whole bunch! I don't deny that it happens, I just think it is probably very rare.
But what I have found out is that when it does, and the woman is facing the abortion of the child, or indeed has one, she once again feels victimized.
Consider this profound finding: "In a survey of 192 women who became pregnant through rape or incest, nearly 80 percent said that they regretted their abortions, while NONE of the women who carried to term said that they wished they had not done so or that they had chosen abortion instead..." ( The article goes on to say: "Many of the women in the survey also reported that they felt pressured by family members or health care workers to undergo abortions, and that they did not freely choose abortion for themselves," Reardon explained. "This was especially the case for those who became pregnant through incest; in almost every case, the abortion was chosen by the girl's parents or tragically, by the perpetrator himself. In some cases the abortion was used to cover up the incest and the girl was returned to the same abusive situation to be victimized again."
"...Except in cases of rape or incest..." Troubling, indeed.
Is it? Why? If a baby is conceived during such a horrible crime, why must the baby pay the ultimate penalty of death? Even the rapist gets more leniency!
Another thing that bothers me about this argument is this question: How often does conception of a baby actually happen when these crimes are committed? I have done some research, and found out that really, nobody actually knows. But as much as the catch-phrase "...except in cases of rape or incest" is bandied about, you would think a whole bunch! I don't deny that it happens, I just think it is probably very rare.
But what I have found out is that when it does, and the woman is facing the abortion of the child, or indeed has one, she once again feels victimized.
Consider this profound finding: "In a survey of 192 women who became pregnant through rape or incest, nearly 80 percent said that they regretted their abortions, while NONE of the women who carried to term said that they wished they had not done so or that they had chosen abortion instead..." ( The article goes on to say: "Many of the women in the survey also reported that they felt pressured by family members or health care workers to undergo abortions, and that they did not freely choose abortion for themselves," Reardon explained. "This was especially the case for those who became pregnant through incest; in almost every case, the abortion was chosen by the girl's parents or tragically, by the perpetrator himself. In some cases the abortion was used to cover up the incest and the girl was returned to the same abusive situation to be victimized again."
"...Except in cases of rape or incest..." Troubling, indeed.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Green Vs. Pro-Life, Part II
As I said in my previous post, nobody wants a dirty, unlivable planet. I've not met any "conservative", "moderate", or "liberal" who has ever wanted such a thing. That being said, a well-balanced plan for keeping our world clean, beautiful, and healthy is something I think all can agree on.
But it seems that there are now extremists who think that by having abortions and sterilizing themselves will "save the planet" because having babies is such a "selfish" thing to do! This is happening now!
Sound incredible? Could people really come to believe such a thing? Please read the following article:
This is going on across the Atlantic, but I'm sure you'd find plenty of U.C. Berkeley students and professors on board with this. It is only a matter of time before it becomes a real political issue here in the U.S. China has been forcing abortions for years now. I would hold that the politicians in this country who are whole-heartedly pro-"choice" would have no problem with this supposed "enlightened" idea to save the planet. How ironic that the same people who would want so much power are asking their constituents to cause their own extinction.
There is a lot more going on here with this so-called "green" movement than meets the eye, and it is beyond the scope of this blog to go into detail.
We all need to do our homework, watch, and listen very closely to what is going on in the world today. The wizard of Oz said, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain", but it is there where we will find the truth behind this odd concept of "environmentalism".
But it seems that there are now extremists who think that by having abortions and sterilizing themselves will "save the planet" because having babies is such a "selfish" thing to do! This is happening now!
Sound incredible? Could people really come to believe such a thing? Please read the following article:
This is going on across the Atlantic, but I'm sure you'd find plenty of U.C. Berkeley students and professors on board with this. It is only a matter of time before it becomes a real political issue here in the U.S. China has been forcing abortions for years now. I would hold that the politicians in this country who are whole-heartedly pro-"choice" would have no problem with this supposed "enlightened" idea to save the planet. How ironic that the same people who would want so much power are asking their constituents to cause their own extinction.
There is a lot more going on here with this so-called "green" movement than meets the eye, and it is beyond the scope of this blog to go into detail.
We all need to do our homework, watch, and listen very closely to what is going on in the world today. The wizard of Oz said, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain", but it is there where we will find the truth behind this odd concept of "environmentalism".
Friday, November 23, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Pope Benedict Tells Catholics to Defend Life
The Vatican ( -- Pope Benedict XVI met with bishops from Kenya today and urged Catholic around the world to continue to do everything possible to defend human beings from abortions. He also urged Catholics to welcome women who have had abortions back to the Church so they can rebuild relationships the abortion destroyed. The Pope praised the way that the people of the eastern African nation revere human life and said, “This precious treasure must be guarded at all costs.” "This direct destruction of an innocent human life can never be justified, however difficult the circumstances that may lead some to consider taking such a grave step," the pontiff added, according to a Catholic News Agency report. But Pope Benedict warned Catholics that they need to do more than vocalize opposition to abortion -- they must also provide tangible support to women in need. He said the Catholic community “must offer support to those women who may find it difficult to accept a child, above all when they are isolated from their family and friends.” Benedict also said Catholics should welcome post-abortive women back to their churches and provide them hope and healing. He called on them to “be open to welcome back all who repent of having participated in the grave sin of abortion, and should guide them with pastoral charity to accept the grace of forgiveness, the need for penance, and the joy of entering once more into the new life of Christ."
Friday, November 16, 2007
Colorado Supreme Court gives green light to restore personhood to the unborn
( November 13, 2007 - After weeks of review, the Colorado Supreme Court has just released a decision granting Colorado for Equal Rights permission to move forward with a ballot initiative to restore personhood to human beings from the moment of conception.
Colorado for Equal Rights will now begin gathering the 76,000 signatures required to put this issue on the November Ballot. This Constitutional Amendment will redefine the term "Person" in three parts of the Colorado Constitution.
Despite two unanimous votes from the Title Board, the petition was appealed based on claims that it dealt with more than one issue. The Colorado Supreme Court affirmed that the petition was, indeed, a single-subject issue and affirmed previous rulings by the Title Board. "We fully expected this positive decision from the Colorado Supreme Court. We are pleased that they supported the Title Board’s previous decisions, and plans to begin our petition drive are underway," stated Kristi Burton, spokesperson of Colorado for Equal Rights.
Colorado for Equal Rights will now begin gathering the 76,000 signatures required to put this issue on the November Ballot. This Constitutional Amendment will redefine the term "Person" in three parts of the Colorado Constitution.
Despite two unanimous votes from the Title Board, the petition was appealed based on claims that it dealt with more than one issue. The Colorado Supreme Court affirmed that the petition was, indeed, a single-subject issue and affirmed previous rulings by the Title Board. "We fully expected this positive decision from the Colorado Supreme Court. We are pleased that they supported the Title Board’s previous decisions, and plans to begin our petition drive are underway," stated Kristi Burton, spokesperson of Colorado for Equal Rights.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Bella Movie Producer Says Number of Theaters May Expand by Thanksgiving
Hollywood, CA ( -- In the movie business, one of the top times to unveil a film is Thanksgiving because of the large number of moviegoers during the holiday weekend. Bella producer Sean Wolfington says the pro-life themed movie could be set for a big expansion to hundreds of new theaters and that it may happen Thanksgiving weekend. "Because of your support, this little film with a big heart continues to touch and transform people's lives," Wolfington told "Because of last weekend’s success we are adding 200 theaters this weekend … before Thanksgiving." However, Wolfington said that the film has to have a fourth strong weekend with the plethora of new cities scheduled to see an unveiling of the movie this weekend. "If we do well this weekend we are guaranteed a wide release during the busiest season of the year -- Thanksgiving," he said. "To make this happen, we need your help." A wider release for the movie would not only impact lives and help it draw more ticket sales and national support, but it could pave the way for Bella to receive prominent awards. "If we succeed this weekend we will get a wide release which ensures Bella will reach and transform millions of lives," Wolfington told "It could also put us in a position to potentially get an Oscar Nomination which can broaden our reach and Bella’s impact even more."
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Catholic bishops vote this week on pro-life election 2008 document
Washington, DC ( -- The nation's Catholic bishops this week plan to vote on an election 2008 document outlining how Catholics should be involved in political issues during next year's election. The document says that Catholics should put their pro-life values ahead of devotion to a particular political party and urges more Catholics to run for office. It has become a custom that U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops release political guidelines for Catholics every four years in advance of presidential elections. The vote will take place during the bishops' annual meeting -- which begins today -- and the new document they will consider calls on Catholics to look beyond "powerful interests, partisan attacks, sound bites and media hype." Instead, they should be focused on "the dignity of every human being and the protection of the weak and vulnerable." "As Catholics, we should be guided more by our moral convictions than by our attachment to a political party or interest group," the 47-page draft document reads. "When necessary, our participation should help transform the party to which we belong; we should not let the party transform us in such a way that we neglect or deny fundamental moral truths," it adds. While other political issues are mentioned as important ones for Catholics, the document, entitled, "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” says that abortion and other pro-life issues are paramount.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Green Vs. Pro-Life
Being an avid fan of talk radio, and listening to all the moaning and groaning about all the "green" propaganda and all the "global warming" propaganda, one thing came out today on the Glenn Beck show that really got me to thinking; NBC is doing a "green week" on television, with almost all of their programming (from the "Today Show" to "Scrubs") having something to do with "green" issues.
The dirty little secret is that General Electric, the owners of the huge propaganda machine known as NBC, has a lot at stake. GE, makers of fine light bulbs everywhere, also makes plenty of other stuff that you hardly even think about. For instance, they make jet turbine engines used on all types of aircraft, and with that technology, they also make very high-tech windmills that produce electric power, high-tech solar panels, and who knows what else. I have nothing against GE, or their windmills, and being a former aircraft technician, have the utmost admiration for their fine engines.
But did you know that GE has a larger lobbying budget than ALL OF THE MAJOR OIL COMPANIES combined? Meaning, that if GE can get so-called "green" laws passed, they stand to make untold millions of dollars.
It has always frustrated me that it seems pro-lifers are almost always put in the same category as big-business loving, pollution-generating, war-mongering bigots by big media, and therefore, pro-life, as a cause, will always be divisive, and will never have their own "Al Gore" making movies and getting Peace Prizes and accolades, much less an entire week of television dedicated to pro-life. The problem, it seems, is that the only ones able to make a buck off of the abortion issue is Planned Parenthood. The pro-life issue is so much more concrete than so-called global warming issue, yet that is what sells advertising on t.v. shows, and puts big money into lobbying groups.
I don't know anyone who wants to drink polluted water, or live in filth, or breath dirty air. But it is easy to build that straw man, and knock him down. Global warming may very well be happening. Or, it could be global cooling. There is much evidence that many of the so-called "facts" and "science" on this issue is flawed, and that there are many good scientists that admit they don't know, or that if the earth is warming, there is not enough proof that it is caused by man. But you won't hear it in the mainstream media. Because, there is much money to be made if you buy Mr. Gore's story, hook, line, and sinker.
My point is this: Beware of "bandwagon" issues. The easiest way to spot them is to watch who is making the biggest profit from it all. What would happen if the folks at GE (or any HUGE corporation) suddenly became pro-life? But we who volunteer our time and money to the pro-life cause will continue, big lobbying budget or not, because it is the right thing to do.
The dirty little secret is that General Electric, the owners of the huge propaganda machine known as NBC, has a lot at stake. GE, makers of fine light bulbs everywhere, also makes plenty of other stuff that you hardly even think about. For instance, they make jet turbine engines used on all types of aircraft, and with that technology, they also make very high-tech windmills that produce electric power, high-tech solar panels, and who knows what else. I have nothing against GE, or their windmills, and being a former aircraft technician, have the utmost admiration for their fine engines.
But did you know that GE has a larger lobbying budget than ALL OF THE MAJOR OIL COMPANIES combined? Meaning, that if GE can get so-called "green" laws passed, they stand to make untold millions of dollars.
It has always frustrated me that it seems pro-lifers are almost always put in the same category as big-business loving, pollution-generating, war-mongering bigots by big media, and therefore, pro-life, as a cause, will always be divisive, and will never have their own "Al Gore" making movies and getting Peace Prizes and accolades, much less an entire week of television dedicated to pro-life. The problem, it seems, is that the only ones able to make a buck off of the abortion issue is Planned Parenthood. The pro-life issue is so much more concrete than so-called global warming issue, yet that is what sells advertising on t.v. shows, and puts big money into lobbying groups.
I don't know anyone who wants to drink polluted water, or live in filth, or breath dirty air. But it is easy to build that straw man, and knock him down. Global warming may very well be happening. Or, it could be global cooling. There is much evidence that many of the so-called "facts" and "science" on this issue is flawed, and that there are many good scientists that admit they don't know, or that if the earth is warming, there is not enough proof that it is caused by man. But you won't hear it in the mainstream media. Because, there is much money to be made if you buy Mr. Gore's story, hook, line, and sinker.
My point is this: Beware of "bandwagon" issues. The easiest way to spot them is to watch who is making the biggest profit from it all. What would happen if the folks at GE (or any HUGE corporation) suddenly became pro-life? But we who volunteer our time and money to the pro-life cause will continue, big lobbying budget or not, because it is the right thing to do.
Colorado Catholic bishops rip Planned Parenthood
(The Colorado Catholic Herald) COLORADO SPRINGS. In light of news that Planned Parenthood is building a new clinic near Denver, the three Colorado bishops have called upon the faithful to use “every legal and ethical means” to oppose the actions and philosophies of the organization, which is among the nation's leading abortion providers.The following statement was released through the Colorado Catholic Conference on Nov. 8:
"In early November, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) broke ground on a new headquarters and clinic in northeast Denver. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains purchased this property secretly under the guise of Fuller 38 LLC.
"Planned Parenthood told The Denver Post that PPRM planned to complete the entire project in secrecy to avoid protests and delays that other Planned Parenthood buildings have encountered around the country. The new PPRM location is 7155 E. 38th Ave. in Denver. The entire project is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2008 and the general contractor for the project is the Weitz Company LLC.
"The public deserves to know the facts about Planned Parenthood. The national organization is among the leading abortion providers, performing across the nation 264,943 abortion procedures in 2005 alone, a 29 percent increase since 2000. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains has stated that it served 125,000 patients in five states, including Colorado, last year and of those 8,800 received abortions.
"Teens and young people are the primary customers for their services and information, which include the distribution of contraception, emergency contraception and chemical and surgical abortions. Nationally 70 percent of Planned Parenthood’s customers are under age 25 and 27 percent are under age 19. Furthermore, Planned Parenthood is a supplier of graphic and explicit sex educational materials. These materials are being used in some of Colorado’s public schools.
"Planned Parenthood calls itself pro-child, pro-woman, and pro-family. Yet it is an organization based on falsehoods about the human person, the family and community life.
"When a minor comes to Planned Parenthood, she is provided information on contraception, sex education and treatment of STDs without parental notification. How can Planned Parenthood justify calling itself pro-family or pro-child when it intrudes itself between a child and parent?
"Planned Parenthood vigorously opposes any legislation that would provide advance medical information pertaining to an abortion procedure, and opposes any legislation that would provide a woman, who is seeking an abortion, knowledge of her unborn child’s development or information regarding alternatives to abortion. Considering the psychological and physical effects of abortion on a woman, how can Planned Parenthood call itself pro-woman and oppose widespread access to advanced information?
"We, the Catholic bishops of Colorado, deplore the negative impact of the actions and philosophy of PPRM. We urge the Catholic community and all people of good will to defend themselves and their beliefs against Planned Parenthood by every legal and ethical means at their disposal. We ask all Catholics to pray, within their families and parish communities, that the dignity and sanctity of every human life will be upheld at all stages of development."
"In early November, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) broke ground on a new headquarters and clinic in northeast Denver. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains purchased this property secretly under the guise of Fuller 38 LLC.
"Planned Parenthood told The Denver Post that PPRM planned to complete the entire project in secrecy to avoid protests and delays that other Planned Parenthood buildings have encountered around the country. The new PPRM location is 7155 E. 38th Ave. in Denver. The entire project is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2008 and the general contractor for the project is the Weitz Company LLC.
"The public deserves to know the facts about Planned Parenthood. The national organization is among the leading abortion providers, performing across the nation 264,943 abortion procedures in 2005 alone, a 29 percent increase since 2000. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains has stated that it served 125,000 patients in five states, including Colorado, last year and of those 8,800 received abortions.
"Teens and young people are the primary customers for their services and information, which include the distribution of contraception, emergency contraception and chemical and surgical abortions. Nationally 70 percent of Planned Parenthood’s customers are under age 25 and 27 percent are under age 19. Furthermore, Planned Parenthood is a supplier of graphic and explicit sex educational materials. These materials are being used in some of Colorado’s public schools.
"Planned Parenthood calls itself pro-child, pro-woman, and pro-family. Yet it is an organization based on falsehoods about the human person, the family and community life.
"When a minor comes to Planned Parenthood, she is provided information on contraception, sex education and treatment of STDs without parental notification. How can Planned Parenthood justify calling itself pro-family or pro-child when it intrudes itself between a child and parent?
"Planned Parenthood vigorously opposes any legislation that would provide advance medical information pertaining to an abortion procedure, and opposes any legislation that would provide a woman, who is seeking an abortion, knowledge of her unborn child’s development or information regarding alternatives to abortion. Considering the psychological and physical effects of abortion on a woman, how can Planned Parenthood call itself pro-woman and oppose widespread access to advanced information?
"We, the Catholic bishops of Colorado, deplore the negative impact of the actions and philosophy of PPRM. We urge the Catholic community and all people of good will to defend themselves and their beliefs against Planned Parenthood by every legal and ethical means at their disposal. We ask all Catholics to pray, within their families and parish communities, that the dignity and sanctity of every human life will be upheld at all stages of development."
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Life is like a cup of coffee...
I received this story and thought it was inspirational... Since I love coffee (but am denying myself coffee at the moment for health reasons) I really appreciate the comparison between life and coffee!
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups- porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite. He told the group to help themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves,that is the source of your problems and stress! Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... and then you began eyeing each other's cups. Now consider this: "life" is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain "life", and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of the "life" we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us. God brews the coffee, not the cups... Enjoy your coffee!"
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups- porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite. He told the group to help themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves,that is the source of your problems and stress! Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... and then you began eyeing each other's cups. Now consider this: "life" is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain "life", and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of the "life" we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us. God brews the coffee, not the cups... Enjoy your coffee!"
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
We enjoyed this movie!
I wanted to encourage anyone who hasn't seen Bella yet to go and support this film! I know you've probably seen a lot of emails promoting this movie, and I don't want to be redundant, but I think the more money the producers can make on this movie, the better. Although the movie is more on the artistic side, and a little confusing as to what exactly happens in the end, its message is, well, beautiful. In Colorado Springs, the movie is still playing at least through November 15th.
Bella Movie Continues Phenomenal Success Despite Limited Release
( -- Bella, the little movie that could, continued its phenomenal success despite it still being shown in about 5 percent of the number of movie theaters as major national releases. The film held steady in the 17th slot overall and showed its popularity with the third highest per theater sales of the top 20 movies last weekend. Bella stunned movie critics on its opening weekend at the end of October by taking in $1.3 million at just 165 theaters. The movie firmly established itself in second place that weekend with $7,784 on average at each of the theaters where it opened this weekend. New cinemas have picked up the film in existing cities and Bella is now able to be seen in 186 theaters in a few dozen markets across the nation. According to Box Office Mojo, which tracks daily movie sales figures, Bella took in another $1,001,000 as the 17th top grossing movie last weekend and it stood third with per-theater sales of $5,381. Only the new films "American Gangster" and "Bee Movie" sold more tickets per theater -- meaning that Bella would be the third-highest rated movie for the weekend if it was shown in the same 3,000+ venues as those two movies. "Bella had another strong weekend with very little advertising," producer Sean Wolfington told
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
God Routs Abortionist 2-0 in Twin Struggle to Stay Alive This was the most amazing story I have seen in a long time, and it truly shows the hand of God in pro-life work!
It seems that London doctors told Rebecca and Mark Jones that at 20 weeks into her pregnancy, little Gabriel's heart was too big, and that he was only 1/2 the size of his brother, and therefore should die because he "might" threaten the life of his brother, and may not live very long outside the womb.
So, the "good doctor" attempted to murder poor Gabriel by cutting his umbilical cord, but God had other plans, so he made the cord too thick to cut. Not to be outdone, the doctor then decided to cut the placenta in two, so as to cut off Gabriel's air and food from his brother. The next day, they were stunned to find out that Gabriel took a licking, but kept on ticking! In fact, the cutting of the placenta was what actually saved Gabriel, allowing him to grow stronger.
He was born 5 weeks after the assault and attempted murder, by ceasarean section, along with his brother, Ieuan. Doctors, who are almost never wrong, had told the Jones' that it would be "kinder to let him die in the womb". The brothers now often hold hands, and when one cries, so does the other. What a shame if Ieuan would have lost his brother! Thanks be to God, he did not.
Unfortunately, though this story appeared in the U.K.' s Daily Mail, it will probably never be reported by CNN, NBC, CBS, or ABC, or even in your local newspaper.
It seems that London doctors told Rebecca and Mark Jones that at 20 weeks into her pregnancy, little Gabriel's heart was too big, and that he was only 1/2 the size of his brother, and therefore should die because he "might" threaten the life of his brother, and may not live very long outside the womb.
So, the "good doctor" attempted to murder poor Gabriel by cutting his umbilical cord, but God had other plans, so he made the cord too thick to cut. Not to be outdone, the doctor then decided to cut the placenta in two, so as to cut off Gabriel's air and food from his brother. The next day, they were stunned to find out that Gabriel took a licking, but kept on ticking! In fact, the cutting of the placenta was what actually saved Gabriel, allowing him to grow stronger.
He was born 5 weeks after the assault and attempted murder, by ceasarean section, along with his brother, Ieuan. Doctors, who are almost never wrong, had told the Jones' that it would be "kinder to let him die in the womb". The brothers now often hold hands, and when one cries, so does the other. What a shame if Ieuan would have lost his brother! Thanks be to God, he did not.
Unfortunately, though this story appeared in the U.K.' s Daily Mail, it will probably never be reported by CNN, NBC, CBS, or ABC, or even in your local newspaper.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Welcome to the official Pro-life Professionals blog! We will regularly be posting our thoughts on topics involving the sanctity of life issue, as well as keep you up to date on pro-life events... Please feel free to post your comments!
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