Tuesday, November 6, 2007

God Routs Abortionist 2-0 in Twin Struggle to Stay Alive

http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2007/nov/07110501.html This was the most amazing story I have seen in a long time, and it truly shows the hand of God in pro-life work!

It seems that London doctors told Rebecca and Mark Jones that at 20 weeks into her pregnancy, little Gabriel's heart was too big, and that he was only 1/2 the size of his brother, and therefore should die because he "might" threaten the life of his brother, and may not live very long outside the womb.

So, the "good doctor" attempted to murder poor Gabriel by cutting his umbilical cord, but God had other plans, so he made the cord too thick to cut. Not to be outdone, the doctor then decided to cut the placenta in two, so as to cut off Gabriel's air and food from his brother. The next day, they were stunned to find out that Gabriel took a licking, but kept on ticking! In fact, the cutting of the placenta was what actually saved Gabriel, allowing him to grow stronger.

He was born 5 weeks after the assault and attempted murder, by ceasarean section, along with his brother, Ieuan. Doctors, who are almost never wrong, had told the Jones' that it would be "kinder to let him die in the womb". The brothers now often hold hands, and when one cries, so does the other. What a shame if Ieuan would have lost his brother! Thanks be to God, he did not.

Unfortunately, though this story appeared in the U.K.' s Daily Mail, it will probably never be reported by CNN, NBC, CBS, or ABC, or even in your local newspaper.

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