Monday, December 3, 2007

Green Vs. Pro-Life, Part II

As I said in my previous post, nobody wants a dirty, unlivable planet. I've not met any "conservative", "moderate", or "liberal" who has ever wanted such a thing. That being said, a well-balanced plan for keeping our world clean, beautiful, and healthy is something I think all can agree on.

But it seems that there are now extremists who think that by having abortions and sterilizing themselves will "save the planet" because having babies is such a "selfish" thing to do! This is happening now!

Sound incredible? Could people really come to believe such a thing? Please read the following article:

This is going on across the Atlantic, but I'm sure you'd find plenty of U.C. Berkeley students and professors on board with this. It is only a matter of time before it becomes a real political issue here in the U.S. China has been forcing abortions for years now. I would hold that the politicians in this country who are whole-heartedly pro-"choice" would have no problem with this supposed "enlightened" idea to save the planet. How ironic that the same people who would want so much power are asking their constituents to cause their own extinction.

There is a lot more going on here with this so-called "green" movement than meets the eye, and it is beyond the scope of this blog to go into detail.

We all need to do our homework, watch, and listen very closely to what is going on in the world today. The wizard of Oz said, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain", but it is there where we will find the truth behind this odd concept of "environmentalism".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. All I can think of is in the Bible where "good will be called evil and evil will be called good." For people to say bearing children is "selfish" is obviously in line with Christ's prophecy. They are turning truth on its head... who are they trying to preserve the earth for? Sounds like they are trying to preserve it for themselves, and not future generations. Hmmmmm... so who is selfish?